Hiya to all!
For a start, a very happy chinese new year and belated valentine's day to all!
Well, let me first emphasize that i have lost my ability to write and speak coherently (thanks to the army), so please try not to laugh at me should i make terrible grammatical mistakes in this entry.
Nonetheless, a little update about my life.
It has been about two months into army life, and i have completed most of the major events in bmt, and the month ahead will consist of lots of physical training. To those very concerned about my physical appearance (haha..), i have lost about 5 kg in total, so think twice before calling me xiao pang or fmb, and to mr lynn, i am afraid i am unable to cause mass movement and earthquakes any more(heh).
That aside, this new experience(army) has been rather interesting. (though honestly i cant wait for the two years end) Well, i guess its in army where you learn to appreciate the little things arounds you. FOOD (especially..), friends, tv, computers, etc etc.
It is also in army that i had the opportunity to see the best and the worst of people. not just people around me, but myself too. i see in myself agression and selfishness i havent seen for a very long time. (people in ac are all too nice.)
But of course i've also learnt to work with people, to accept people for who they are, and to keep the evil side of me in check.
So, maybe i am not cut out to be a true blue soldier. Maybe cmpb should post me to police vocation. Heh.
Army talk aside, i guess i miss school life terribly. the tonnes of hours spent in school mugging. the swimming moments with marilyn, the lectures with tenors, the retarded things we do in class, choir, even morning esemble. so juniors out there, cherish every moment left in school eh!
alright. will post again soon. hopefully. take care loads peeps. =)